
The Wisdom of Emotions
Building Genuine Happiness and Finding Inner Peace
by Dr. David F. Coppola

E-book: $9.99
Hardcover: $20.00
(Also available at Dr. Coppola’s offices)

The Wisdom of Emotions teaches you how to truly taste life. It presents strategies and techniques to develop easier access to inner peace. It teaches you how to feel your emotions (both negative and positive), how to gain wisdom from these emotions, and how, in turn, to live a more authentic and happier life.

The Wisdom of Emotions will help you:

  • Attract more joyful moments into your life
  • Create healthier boundaries around difficult situations
  • Take full responsibility for your life
  • Cultivate gratitude as you enhance your life—and, as a result, contribute to a better world


“Dr. Coppola has beautifully and thoroughly integrated healing principles and methods into a powerful transformative experience for his readers. I highly recommend this book.”
– Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning

The Wisdom of Emotions will teach you to see each and every experience, challenge or stressful situation—whether it’s a health crisis, personal crisis or world crisis—as an opportunity to evolve and transform your life. Fasten your seat belt and get ready to move at the speed of love. Dr. Coppola’s knowledge and passionate way of teaching and writing distill quantum healing and conscious evolution into a practical philosophy for living.”
Dr. Darren R. Weissman, author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude

Jesus Moses & Buddha
Collective Teachings to Help You Create a Heaven on Earth
by Dr. David F. Coppola

E-book: Coming Soon
Softcover: $14.95
(Also available at Dr. Coppola’s offices)

Jesus Moses & Buddha finds the common ground in Christian views, Jewish rituals, and ancient Eastern philosophies. It integrates the examples and teachings of three prophets to help readers develop a more spiritually fulfilled life. This book was also written to help bring humanity a step closer to world peace.

Jesus Moses & Buddha:

  • Teaches how to accept the world as it is
  • Addresses ways to heal from childhood traumas
  • Discusses what happens when we die
  • Prepares us Earthlings to welcome extraterrestrial encounters and alien love